- LT — Local time
- ETA — Estimated Time of Arrival
- ETC — Estimated Time of Completion
- ETD — Estimated Time of Departure
- ETB — Estimated Time of Berthing
- ETS — Estimated Time of Sailing
- EOSP — End Of Sea Passage
- POB — Pilot On Board
- AGW — All Going Well
- WP — Weather Permitting
- UCE — Unexpected Circumstances Excluded
- WOG — Without Guarantee
- LOA — Length Over All
- Beam (bm) — The widest part of a ship
- Molded Depth (md) — Distance from the keel to the deck
- DWT (Dead Weight Tons) — The difference between a ship’s displacement light and her displacement loaded
- NRT (Net Registered Tons) — The volume of cargo the vessel can carry; the taxable tonnage of a vessel
- GRT (Gross Registered Tons) — represents the total internal volume of a vessel, with some exemptions for non-productive spaces such as crew quarters
- Air Draft — Distance from keel to highest part of vessel minus the draft
- Deepest Draft — Usually the draft of the stern of vessel
- SF — Stowage Factor
- MT (Metric Ton) — 1000 kilos / 2204.62 lbs
- ST (Short Ton) — 2000 lbs
- LT (Long Ton) — 2240 lbs
- NOR (Notice of Readiness) — Vessel is in all respects ready to commence discharging or loading
- CTM (Cash to Master) or BTM (Bonus to Master)
- Bonds — An insurance agreement pledging surety for financial loss caused to another by the act or default of a third person or by some contingency over which the third person may have no control
- Tariffs — A listing/scale of rates/charges for a business or public utility
- SOF (Statement of Facts) — Voyage information and timesheet from the EOSP to departure of the vessel including the daily act of vessel load/discharge operations
- Demurrage — The detention of a vessel by the carrier beyond the time allowed in her charter party for loading / unloading / sailing
- Dispatch — Expedient load or discharge resulting in a rebate to the receiver/shipper
- Detention — charge for delay
- Lay can — dates specified by the charter party for loading
- LOI (Letter of Indemnity) — Used by the carriers to replace Bill of Lading in order to release cargo for discharge, proof to the captain freight is paid
- FIO (Free In/Out) — receiver/shippers pay stevedoring for discharge or loading of vessel rather than the carrier
- Full Liner — Carriers pay stevedoring from hold to place of rest or from place of rest to hold
- Liner, end of hook — Carrier pays for hold to end of hook or from end of hook to hold
- B/L (Bill of Lading) — written account of goods shipped signed by the agent of the owners of the ship or by its master acknowledging the receipt of goods and promising to deliver them safe to the place directed
- DAD (Delivery Authorization Document) — Customs form 3461; signifies custom’s clearance of goods, authorizes delivery
- AES (Automated Export System) — is the system used by U.S. exporters to electronically declare their international exports to the Customs and Border Protection (USCBP) — must be filed prior to loading of the vessel
- AMS (Automated Manifest System) — is the system used by importers to electronically declare their international imports to the USCBP — AMS must be filed 24 hour prior to loading the ship in the foreign port for break bulk or containers, and 24 hours prior to arrival U.S. for bulk cargo
- Schedule B — Numbers provided by the U.S. Census to identify commodities for export for AES purposes
- USCBP — United States Customs/Border Protection
- USCG — United States Coast Guard
- APIS (Automated Passenger Information System) — 96 hour NOA (Notice Of Arrival) entry to Immigration
- APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) — USCBP division of U.S. Agriculture
- SCAC (Standard Carrier Alpha Code) — Four letters that identify the carrier, usually the first four letters of the Bill of Lading number
- ICB (International Carrier Bond) — Bond required, for the carrier, by U.S. Customs for APIS purposes
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